Electrical Engineering

What is it about?

Electrical engineering is a popular branch of engineering which deals with the study and application of electricity, electromagnetism and electronics. Its subfields include electronics, power engineering, digital computers, telecom, Electrical EngineeringRF engineering, control systems, and signal processing. Prime focus of the course remains on designing and testing ICs, capacitors, resistors and inductors. The students also learn to design electronic circuits and computer systems, and also develop control structures. The electrical engineers are considered to deal with the problems associated with systems, something like electric power transmission and electrical machines etc. This course mainly includes fundamentals and principles of Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, and Project Management. Its sub disciplines include power, computers & instrumentation electronics, control, signal processing, and micro-electronics, telecom etc.

Further Study options

After completing a B.Tech/ BE, you can opt for M.Tech/MS in various specializations such as Communication Engineering, Power Electronics & Systems, Control & Computing, Control & Instrumentation, and Microelectronics & VLSI Design.

Areas of work

Efficient generation, transformation and transmission of electrical energy are decisive prerequisites for rapid development of industry and agriculture. And without this vital energy, our daily lives would grind to a pause. Therefore electrical engineers have lot many opportunities.

They can be found working in every domain of modern life including manufacturing to process industries, automobiles to transport, robotics to embedded systems, and from aviation to navigation industries.

Main Subjects

Electricity Technology and Machines

Circuit Analysis, Electronics


Electrical Engineering Material


Control systems

Power Engineering

Transmission & Distribution

Opening and Closing Rank of EE in IITs & ISM Dhanbad


Placement Opportunities




Power Grid Corporation

State Electricity Boards

Crompton Greaves



Jindal Steel & Power



Tata Steel

Samsung Engineering