Electronics and Communication Engineering

What is it about?

This area involves the transmission of information across channels such as an optical fibre, coax cable, or free space. An Electronics and Communication Engineering can work on designing equipment such as routers, Electronics and Communication Engineeringmultiplexers,switches, electronic switching systems, fibre optics and copper telephone facilities. They develops everyday devices such as transistors and integrated circuits and printed circuit boards (PCBs) too which can be used in computers, cell phones,MP3 players, and television to name a few. This discipline deals with electronic devices and software interfaces majorly. The applications are far reaching, for e.g. right from the indoors of the house, to industries, we can see the results everywhere. The tasks of the Electronics and Communication engineers are to direct, test,control and produce processes well, so as to ensure safety in installation and functioning of the various mechanisms. This discipline integrates knowledge based on the fundamentals of communication engineering,digital electronics & logic design, power electronics, signals & systems, electronic circuits, integrated circuits, applied electromagnetic theory, control systems VLSI, and computer architecture.

Further Study options

After completing a B. Tech or BE students can opt for M. Tech or MS in various subjects such as Fibre Optics and Light waves, RF and Microwaves, Microelectronics & V L S I Design, Visual Information,Telecommunication Systems, and Embedded Systems etc.

Areas of work

An Electronics & Communication engineer can work in the consumer electronics, manufacturing, aviation and avionics, electricity generation and distribution, transportation, communications,telecommunications, computer applications, radio and television, hospital diagnostic equipment, and offshore industries.

Main Subjects



Electrical circuits & machines

Signals & systems

Digital Signal Processing

Microprocessors & Embedded systems

Communication systems

Optical systems


Placement Opportunities

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HCL Technologies

Tech Mahindra 




Texas Instruments



Philips Electronics



Conexant and Flextronics