Exercise – 1
1. The term "phylum" in taxonomy was given by-
(1) John Ray
(2) G.L.Cuvier
(3) C. Linnaeus
(4) Lamarck
2. Animal which have a well marked digestive cavity are put under
(1) Parazoa
(2) Enterozoa
(3) Metazoa
(4) Bryozoa
3. The class of phylum protozoa to which Nociiluca belongs is –
(1) Rhizopoda
(2) Sporozoa
(3) Mastigophora
(4) Ciliate
4. The cell anus is some protozoans is known as –
(1) Cytopharynx
(2) Cytostome
(3) Cytoproct
(4) Peristome
5. In which of the following the nuclear dimorphism is seen-
(1) Entamoeba
(2) Leishmania
(3) Trypanosoma
(4) Paramoecium
6. The term "New systematics" was introduced by
(1) Adolf engler
(2) Bentham
(3) Julian Huxley
(4) Unneaus
7. Class sporozoa of phylum protozoa is characterised by –
(1) Ragella
(2) Cillia
(3) Parasitism
(4) None
8. The vector for causing sleeping sickness in man is
(1) House fly
(2) Mosquito
(3) Tse-tse fly
(4) Butterfly
9. Which of the protozoan is considered as connecting link between plants and animals?
(1) Entamoeba
(2) Paramoecium
(3) Euglena
(4) Monocystis
10. In which of the following classes locomotory organs are absent –
(1) Rhizopoda
(2) Sporozoa
(3) Suctoria
(4) Mastigophora
11. Sponges are characterized by –
(1) Amoeboid cells
(2) Choanocytes cells
(3) Pigmented cells
(4) Gland cells
12. In sponges the food is stored in –
(1) Trophocytes
(2) Desmocytes
(3) Archeocytes
(4) Thesocytes
13. Which one of the sponge part corresponds to the mouth of other animals –
(1) Osculum
(2) incurrent canal
(3) Ostia
(4) Excurrent canal
14. Bath sponge is common name of-
(1) Spongilla
(2) Euspongia
(3) Euplectella
(4) Leucosolenia
15. Classification of porifera is based up on –
(1) Spicules
(2) Canal system
(3) Amoebocytes cells
(4) Nutrition
16. Which of the following animals is marine-
(1) Amoeba
(2) Hydra
(3) Sycon
(4) Pheretima
17. Cellular grade. organisation is found in -
(1) Helminthes
(2) Coelenerata
(3) Porifera
(4) All of these
18. Porifera has –
(1) water vascular system
(2) Canal system
(3) Haemo coelomic system
(4) None
19. Paragastric cavity is related with
(1) Sponge
(2) Coelenterata
(3) Nematodes
(4) All
20. Asexual reproductive structures of most porife are called
(1) Gemmules
(2) Paren chymula
(3) Amphiblastula
(4) Sterogastrula
21. Sponges are –
(1) All fresh water
(2) All marine
(3) Fresh water as well as marine
(4) Very few fresh water, and mostly marine
22. Spicules and amoebocytes in a sponge occur in
(1) Pinacoderm
(2) Choanoderm
(3) Mesenchyme
(4) Spongocoel
23. Hydra is a coelenterate because it has
(1) Tentacles
(2) Mesogloea
(3) Coelenteron and cnidoblast
(4) Hypostome
24. "Portuguese man of war" is –
(1) Soldier of world war I
(2) Portuguese soldier
(3) A sponge
(4) A polymorphic, colonial, colenterata
25. True jelly fishes belongs to the class -
(1) Both anthozoa and scyphozoa
(2) Hydrozoa
(3) Anthozoa
(4) Scyphozoa
26. Which one of the following diploblastic?
(1) Pennatula
(2) Paramoecium
(3) Polystomella
(4) Entamoeba
27. Diploblastic acoelomate condition is found in
(1) Planaria
(2) Ascaris
(3) Rotifer
(4) Sea anemone
28. Term "Cnidaria" is given by
(1) Hatscheck
(2) Lamarck
(3) Cuvier
(4) Unnaeus
29. Organ pipe coral is –
(1) Astraea
(2) Tubipora
(3) Fungia
(4) Meandrma
30. Which one of the following is Coelentrate?
(1) Sea cow
(2) Sea cucumber
(3) Sea fan
(4) Sea horse
31. In the members of class scyphozoa -
(1) Polyp stage is well developed
(2) Polyp stage is reduced
(3) Medusa stage is absent
(4) Medusa stage is reduced
32. Fresh water Coelenterates occur in which class –
(1) Hydrozoa
(2) Scyphozoa
(3) Anthozoa
(4) All of the above
33. A mature proglottid of Taenia is one which has –
(1) Only female reproductive organs
(2) Both female and male reproductive organs
(3) Only eggs and degenerated reproductive organs
(4) Hexacanth embryos,.
34. The gravid proglottids having fertilized eggs in uterus of Tapeworm are regularly detached, this process is known as –
(1) Apolysis
(2) Proliferation
(3) Strobilation
(4) Topolysis
35. Filaria worm is –
(1) Trichuris
(2) Wauchereria bancrofti
(3) Ascaris lumbricoides
(4) Ancylostoma
36. Annelids are –
(1) Radially symmetrical
(2) Externally segmented
(3) Triploblastic
(4) Pseudocoelor ate
37. Animals showing metameric segmentation are –
(1) Porifera
(2) Annelids
(3) Tape-worms.
(4) Nemathelminthes
38. The free living platyhelminthes belongs to –
(1) Turbellaria
(2) Cestoda
(3) Tremotod
(4) Trematoda and cestoda
39. Elephantiasis is caused by-
(1) Trichinella
(2) Desmoscolex
(3) Enterobius
(4) Wuchereria
40. Which of the following, endoparasite of man is viviparous
(1) Ascaris
(2) Wuchereria
(3) Taenia
(4) Dracunculus
41. Animals in which clitellum always presents, belong to which class of Annelida –
(1) Polycheta
(2) Oligocheta
(3) Hirudinea
(4) Archiannelida
42. Body cavity in members of Annelida are –
(1) Schizocoel
(2) Pseudocoel
(3) Enterocoel
(4) Body 'cavity absent
43. Animals of which phylum exhibit "tube within tube" structure –
(1) Coelenterata
(2) 'Platyhelminthes
(3) Cestpda
(4) Annelida
44. In which animals the male always occurs inside female –
(1) Tubifex
(2) Bonellia
(3) Poniobdella
(4) Protodrillus
45. In animals of which class, the number of body segments is definite –
(1) Oligochaeta
(2) Hirudinea
(3) Polychaeta
(4) None of these
46. Which of the following animal is not a Insect:
(1) Ticks
(2) Honey-bee
(3) Beetle
(4) Wasp
47. Example of living fossil in Arthropoda is :
(1) Cimex
(2) Triarthus
(3) Peripatus
(4) Eupagurus
48. Which parasite cause parasitic castration of crab:
(1) Cray-fish
(2) Sacculina
(3) Cyclops
(4) Daphnia.
49. Crustacean which show commensalism with some coelenterates:
(1) Cypris
(2) Hippa
(3) Crab
(4) Eupagurus
50. From which stage of silk worm silk is obtained:
(1) Adult
(2) Larva
(3) Nymph
(4) Pupa
51. Pupa of Mosquito is called –
(1) Bolus
(2) Tumbler
(3) Maggot
(4) Wriggler
52. Excretion in animals Arthropoda take place by –
(1) Malpighian tubules
(2) Green glands
(3) Coxal glands
(4) All of the above
53. Book - lungs are found in –
(1) Myriapoda
(2) Crustacea
(3) Arachnida
(4) Insecta
54. Millipede and centipede belongs to:
(1) Myriapoda
(2) Crustacea
(3) Insecta
(4) Arachnida
55. What distinguishes an insect from a crustacean –
(1) Number of eye
(2) Arrangement of nerve cord
(3) Number of appendages
(4) Presence of wings
56. Which of the following characteristic is shared by all arthropods –
(1) Complete metamorphosis
(2) Wings
(3) Jointed appendages
(4) Asexual reproduction
57. Cephalopod with exoskeleton:
(1) Pila
(2) Chiton
(3) Unio
(4) Nautilus
58. Ovotestis found in which animal-
(1) Snail
(2) Cockroach
(3) Fly
(4) Unio
59. Which mollusca is called tusk shell?
(1) Neopilina
(2) Pila
(3) Dentalium
(4) Patella
60. Ink glands occur in –
(1) Amphineura
(2) Cephalopoda
(3) Gastropoda
(4) Pelecypoda
61. Osphradium is -
(1) Gustatory
(2) Tangoreceptor
(3) Olfactory
(4) Photoreceptor
62. The most active animals in Mollusca are –
(1) Bivalvia
(2) Gastropoda
(3) Pelecypoda
(4) Cephalopoda
63. Which animal swims by jet propulsion mechanism?
(1) Cyprea
(2) Pinctada
(3) Limpet
(4) Cuttle fish
64. Which animals become assymetrical due to torsion in body and shell:
(1) Gastropoda
(2) Cephalopoda
(3) Pelecypoda
(4) All of the above
65. The cephalopod animal with eyes internal shell and arms for locomotion is –
(1) Snail
(2) Pila
(3) Sepia
(4) Pearloyster
66. Octopus has 8 - arms and it belongs to the class:
(1) Cephalopoda'
(2) Rhizopoda
(3) Gastropoda
(4) Pelecypoda
67. In the phylum Mollusca although there is bilateral symmetry, but is lost in some forms due to the phenomenon called-
(1) Asymmetry
(2) Torison
(3) Reversion
(4) Invagination
68. Member of Echinodermata has a specific system which is not found in other phylum, it is –
(1) Canal system
(2) Water vascular system
(3) Respiratory system
(4) reproductive system
69. Which animal has respiratory tree?
(1) Clypeaster
(2) Cucumaria
(3) Sola star
(4) Salmacis
70. Presence of pedicellariae is the characteristic feature of class –
(1) Hydrozoa
(2) Asteroidea
(3) Crustacea
(4) Cephalopoda
71. Which of the following is found in both coelenterates and echinoderms in adult stage?
(1) Coelenteron
(2) Radial symmetry
(3) Tube-feet
(4) Bilateral symmetry
72. The animal with rube-feet is -
(1) Star-fish
(2) Jelly-fish
(3) Silver-fish
(4) Cray-fish
73. Water vascular system is found in
(1) Hydra
(2) Leech
(3) Fish
(4) Star-fish
74. The system of vessels conveying water for the purpose of feeding respiration and locomotion in Echinoderms called
(1) Canal system
(2) Water vascular system
(3) Vascular system
(4) None of the above
75. Antedon is commonly called:
(1) Sea lily
(2) Brittle star
(3) Sea-star
(4) Sea-cucumber
76. Hollow air filled bones (pheumatic bones) occur in –
(1) Mammals
(2) Reptiles
(3) Urodela
(4) Aves
77. What is the true for mammalia?
(1) Platypus is oviparous
(2) Bats have feather
(3) Elephant is a ovo viviparous
(4) Diaphragm is absent in them
78. Which of the following character is not found in all the chordates
(1) Diaphragm
(2) Coelom
(3) Pharyngeal gill clilts
(4) Dorsal nerve cord
79. Cleavage in mammals-
(1) Holoblastic equal
(2) Holoblastic unequal
(3) Superficial
(4) Discoidal
80. In which of the following animal post anal tail is found?
(1) Earthworm
(2) Lower invertebrate
(3) Scorpion
(4) Snake
81. Which of the following is closest relative of man?
(1) Chimpanzee
(2) Gorilla
(3) Orangutan
(4) Gibbon'
82. In which era reptiles were dominated?
(1) Coenozoic era
(2) Mesozoic era,
(3) Paleozoic era
(4) Archaeozoir era
83. In which of the following notochord is present in embryonic stage?
(1) All chordates
(2) Some chordates
(3) Vertebrates
(4) Non chordates
84. In which animal nerve cell is present but brain is absent?
(1) Sponge'
(2) Earthworm
(3) Cockroach
(4) Hydra
85. Which group of vertebrates comprises the highest number of endangered species?
(1) Mammals
(2) Fishes
(3) Reptiles
(4) Birds
86. Uricotelism is found in
(1) Fishes and fresh water protozoans
(2) Birds, reptiles and insects
(3) Frogs and toads
(4) Mammals and birds
87. One of the following is a very unique feature of the mammalian body
(1) Presence of diaphragm
(2) Four chambered heart
(3) Rib cage
(4) Homeothermy
88. Presence of gills in the tadpole of frog indicates that –
(1) Fishes evolved from frog like ancestors
(2) Frogs will have gills in future
(3) Frogs evolved from gilled ancestors
(4) Fishes were amphibious in the past'
89. Which one of the following characters is not typical of the class Mammalia?
(1) Alveolar lungs
(2) Ten pairs of cranial nerves
(3) Six cervical vertebrae
(4) Thecodont dentition
90. Annual migration does not occur in the case of
(1) Arctic tern
(2) Salmon
(3) Siberian crane
(4) Salamander
91. Axolotal larva is the name of larva of.
(1) Amphioxns
(2) Silkworm,
(3) Ambyostoma
(4) Round worm
92. Gambusia is a –
(1) Parasitic fish
(2) Pest of fish
(3) Fish predator of mosquitos larva
(4) Mosquito spreading yellow fever
93. Marsupials occur in
(1) Africa
(2) N. America
(3) Asia
(4) Australia
94. An egg laying mammal is
(1) Kangaroo
(2) Platypus
(3) Koala
(4) Whale
95. The early stage human embryo distinctly possesses
(1) Gills
(2) Gill slits
(3) External ear (pinna)
(4) Eye brows
96. Which one of the following groups of structures/ organs have similar function?
(1) Typholosle in earthworm, intestinal villi in rat and contractile vacuole in Amoeba.
(2) Nephridia in earthworm, Malpighian tubules in cockroach and Urinary tubules in rat
(3) Antennae of cockroach, tympanum of frog and clitellum of earthworm
(4) Incisors of rat, gizzard (proventriculus) of cockroach and tube feet of starfish
97. In hydra, egestion of undigested food and excretion of nitrogeneous wastes occur through
(1) Mouth and tentacles
(2) Mouth and body wall
(3) Mouth and mouth
(4) Body wall and body wall
98. Taneia saginata differs from Taenia solium in –
(1) Absence of scolex hooks
(2) Absence of scolex hooks and uterine branching
(3) Absence of scolex hooks and presence of both male and female reproductive organs
(4) Presence of scolex hooks
99. Sites of first, second and third moulting of Ascaris larva are –
(1) Soil, lung, intestine
(2) Soil, alveoli, lung
(3) Soil, intestine, lung
(4) Liver, stomach, intestine
100. A student has identified a triploblastic coelomate segmented animal as an arthropod. Which additional character the student should have verified before identifying 'that animal as an arthropod –
(1) Presence of wings
(2) Presence of antenna
(3) Type of coelom
(4) ype of symmetry
101. Which of the following snake is not poisonous?
(1) Naja naja
(2) Python
(3) Bungarus
(4) Hydrophis
102. Given below are four matchings of an animal, and its kind of respiratory organ
1. Silver Fish - trachea, 2. Scorpion - book lung, 3. Sea squirt - pharyngeal gills, 4. Dolphin - skin
(1) 3 and 4
(2) 1 and 4
(3) 1, 2 and 3
(4) 2 and 4
103. One character is given wrongly for phylum chordata mark it –
(1) Presence of notochord
(2) Presence of vertebral column
(3) Paired gill slits connected with the exterior
(4) A central nervous system dorsalto digestive canal
104. Which of the following is a chordate feature, not shared by the non-chordates?
(1) Metamerism
(2) Axial organization
(3) Bilateral symmetry
(4) Pharyngeal gill slits
105. Which one of the following invertebrates is a deuterostome and enterocoelous coelomate?
(1) Pila
(2) Ascaris
(3) Aphrodite
(4) Asterias
106. Which one of the following sets of animals' belongs to the same class of a phylum?
(1) Hydra, jelly fish, cray fish
(2) Bat, pigeon, whale
(3) Spider scorpion, centipede
(4) Whale, otter, kangaroo
107. Scoliodonis called dogfish due to one of its following characteristics
(1) Mouth
(2) Gait
(3) Carnivorous
(4) Power of smell
108. Jaws are absent in –
(1) Protochordata
(2) Protochordata and cyclostomata
(3) Amphioxus and balanoglossus
(4) Herdmania and myxine
109. Scales in chondrichthyes are –
(1) Placoid
(2) Ganoid
(3) Cycloid
(4) Sesamoid
110. Which one of the animal of amphibia has no tongue?
(1) Amphiuma
(2) Ichthyophis
(3) Necturus
(4) Salamander
111. Exclusively aquatic reptiles are included under the group
(1) Rhynchocephalia
(2) Ophidia
(3) Lacertilia
(4) Crocodilia
112. Diapsid skull is found in the following –
(1) Crocodile, Turtle and Seymouria
(2) Sphenodon, Crocodile and Viper
(3) Natrix, Draco and Turtle
(4) Calotes, Cobra and Varanosaurus
113. Which of the following is not found in birds?
(1) Hind limb
(2) Fore limb
(3) Pelvic girdle
(4) Pectoral girdle
114. Ornithorynchus is a
(1) Fossil bird
(2) Flightless bird
(3) Connecting link between reptiles and birds
(4) Mammal
115. Schizocoelic type of coelom is present in the –
(1) Protochordata
(2) Echinoderms
(3) Nematodes
(4) Annelids
116. Which of the following group is Deuterostorne?
(1) Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca
(2) Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Chordata
(3) Annelida, Mollusca, Chordata
(4) Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata
Exercise – 2
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
(a) Mammals is a ……………….. but species is a ………………..
(b) Members of a species ……………….. and give rise to ........... off spring
(c) Reproductively isolated natural population is called ………………..
(d) The branch of science that deals with providing proper and distinct name to organisms is known as ………………..
(e) A group of related genera are classified is ………………..
2. Answer the following questions only in "Yes" or “NO”
(a) Can a specific name be repeated?
(b) The basic unit of biological classification is species.
(c) Do all organisms reproduce sexually?
(d) African sleeping sickness is caused by Leishmania donovani.
(e) Is flat worm pseudo coelomate animals.
3. Give technical term for the following
(a) The species which consist of two or more than two species.
(b) The method which determine the exact place of animal in animal kingdom.
(c) Blood filled cavity in Arthropods.
(d) Body- cavity which develops from splitting of mesodermal plate.
(e) Sting organ of Jelly fish
4. Note relationship between the first two words and suggest suitable word for the fourth place.
(a) Cell aggregate body plan-Porifra: Blind sac body plan ………………..
(b) Sponge - Diploblastic: Unio ………………..
(c) Millipede - Two pairs of legs per segments: Centipede ………………..
(d) Nephridia - Annelids: meta nephridia ………………..
(e) Trochophore - Polychaeta: Doliolaria ………………..
5. Match the column-I with Column-no
Column I Column II
(A) Millipedes (i) Round worm
(B) Ascaris (ii) Diplopoda
(C) Asterias (iii) Soft body animals
(D) Hirudinaria (iv) Radial symmetry
(E) Pila (v) Pseudo coelomate
(vi) Water vascular system
(vii) Botryoidal tissues
(viii) Temporary clitelum
(ix) Mantle
(x) Tube feet
6. Reasoning type:
(a) What will happen if outer surface of Sponge is painted?
(b) hat will happen when cnindoblast removed from body of coelentrate?
(c) Walking in the garden without shoes some time harmful. Why?
(d) Wings are absent in Bed bug. Even than it is insect. Why?
(e) Neopilinais a connecting link. Why?
7. Answer the following questions in one word only
(a) To which class, the Echinodermata with mouth and anus on the same surface belong?
(b) Is Devil fish a true fish? If not, what is it?
(c) Why insects are ureotelic?
(d) What is common between annielids and chordates?
(e) What is most characteristic feature of planarian epidermis.
(f) What term shall you use for the amoeboid cells of sponges which serve to supply nutrients to developing cell
8. Fill in the blanks from following words
(i) Gravid
(ii) Sea fan
(iii) Sea-urchin
(iv) hectocotyle
(v) Digestive enzyme
(vi) Sea pen
(vii) Onchosphere
(viii) General surface of body
(a) The organ of Aristotles is formed in ……………….. animal.
(b) ……………….. is meant for transferring sperms into female Sepia.
(c) In Neries and Hirudinaria respiration take place through ………………..
(d) Cuticle of Nematods is resistant to ……………….. of the host
(e) The segment of Taenis which have only uterus with fertilized eggs are called ………………..
(f) Gorgonia is commonly known as ………………..
9. Paragraph
The Simplest multicellular animals of animal kingdom are placed in phylum Porifera. They are known as "porous animals". Body of sponges is multicellular but tissues are absent. It means every cells perform separate-separate function in which there is no co-ordination with each other. Most of sponges are marine; Due to high power of regeneration body becomes branched and sessile. They are attached on rocks.
Give the answer of following questions
(a) The term porifera first of all used by?
(b) In which infra kingdom, porifera classified?
(c) Pore, by which water enter into the body called.
(d) Which type of body organisation is formed in sponges?
(e) Power of regeneration due to presence of?
10. Find out odd one
(a) Excretory organs in Arthropods are
(i) Malpighian tubules
(ii) Antennary gland
(iii) Nephridia
(iv) Coxal gland
(b) Which animal is different of the following
(i) Sphenoden
(ii) Scolidon
(iii) Limulus
(iv) Euglina
(c) Select the odd one –
(i) Ostrich
(ii) Pigeon
(iii) Bat
(iv) Penguin
(d) Select odd one on the basis coelom
(i) Neries
(ii) Centipede
(iii) Pila
(iv) Pentaceros
11. Reasoning type
(a) Echidina is oviparous animal, even than it is mammals. Why?
(b) A animal in which radial symmetry, notochord absent, Exoskeleton of calcarious plates, habitat marine and free swimming. Write the name of this animal?
(c) Birds and Bats have pneumatic bones. Why?
(d) Vertebrates are called craniates.
(e) Bird can see easily very distant object during flight. How?
12. Note the relationship between the first two words and suggest suitable word for the fourth place.
(a) Even hoofed mammals: Artiodactylla::
Odd hoofed mammals : ………………..
(b) Ectohermic : Amphibians and Riptiles ::
Endothermic: ……………….. & ………………..
(c) Python: oviparous animal: : macro pus: ..................
(d) Cephalochordate : first complete chordate ::
Amphibians :: ………………..
(e) Study of fishes: Ichthyology: : Study of birds ………………..
13. Match the column-I with Column-II.
Column I Column II
(A) I limbless reptiles (i) Elephus
(B) jawless vertebrates (ii) Ophiosaurus
(C) Flightless bird (iii) Lamprey
(D) Largest (iv) Ichthiophis
terrestrial animal
(E) Blind worm (v) Ostrich
(vi) Cobra
(vii) Myxine
(viii) Penguin
(ix) Ohamen
(x) Apteryx
14. Fill in the blanks
(a) The life cycle of Trypanosoma gambiens is .................
(b) The digestive cavity of Hydra has only................. opening for both ingestion & egestion.
(c) Multicellular animals are called ………………..
(d) Roundworms are with body plan known as ………………..
(e) The success of arthropods on land is due to ......................
(f) Fishes with cartilaginous endoskeleton belongs to class ………………..
(g) Fertilization in reptiles is ………………..
(h) True coelom originated first in ………………..
(i) A coral island with a central shallow lake is called ………………..
(j) Food storing cells of sponge are ………………..
15. Fill in the blanks
(a) ……………….. maintain a water current in the sponges.
(b) Syncitial epidermis is found in ………………..
(c) Gill slits are covered by operculum in ………………..
(d) ……………….. and ……………….. are egg-laying manunals.
(e) Balanoglossus belongs to ………………..
(f) The Structure which separates the thoracic caviry form abdominal cavity in mammals is ………………..
(g) The feathers of the birds are modified ………………..
(h) Peripatus is the connecting link between ……………….. and ………………..
(i) Brachdriostoma is the member of ……………….. of protochordata.
(j) True coeloom is always lined by ………………..
16. Fill in the blanks
(a) When coelom is formed by spiltting of mesoderm is called ………………..
(b) Sometimes coelom is filled with blood such coelom is called ………………..
(c) The digestion that occurs in gastrovascular cavity of coelenterates is called ………………..
(d) Coelenteron is divided into chambers by mesenteries in class ………………..
(e) The larval form of Obelia is known as ………………..
(f) The species which is found in many forms is known as ………………..
(g) Physalia is commonly known as ………………..
(h) Clitellum in leech is ………………..
(i) Clitellum in Nereis is ………………..
(j) Most of the Amphibia temporarily aquatic for the purpose of ………………..
17. Fill in the blanks
(a) Amphibians are not found in ……………….. environment.
(b) In amphibians, the skull has ……………….. condyles.
(c) Exolotal larva becomes sexually mature and reproduces, this condition is called ………………..
(d) Study of lizards is called ………………..
(e) The olfactory organs of snakes are called ………………..
(f) The urinary bladder is absent in ……………….. and ……………….. in reptilia.
(g) The largest group of vertebrate is ....................
(h) Number of cranial nerves present in fishes is………………..
(i) The fish commonly called as sea horse is ………………..
(j) In chordates, notochord or vertebral column is present on the ……………….. side.
18. What are A, B, C Phyla on the basis of number of species.
A platyhelminthes which, is found in the vein of human has two hosts A & B. If L is the one of the larval stage which enters from A to B (a chordate host). Identify what A, B & L stands for.
(c) Given below are few animals which are categorised as A & B in a given graph. You have to short list those animals which fall, under the category of A.
Frog, Crow, Earthworm, Rat, Snake, Pig, Lizard, Cow.
19. Fill in the blanks
Urostyle, Endostyle, Craniates, Anthozoa, Blind sec, Zooplankton, Thesocyte, Tube within tube, Neuston, Torriaria, schizocoel, Hydrozoa, Mollusca, Trophocyte, Tadpole,· Agnatha, Annelida, Acrania, Entercoel.
(a) Roundworm are with body plan known as………………..
(b) Animal which swim in surface water are ………………..
(c) First time true coelom appeared in ………………..
(d) Food is store in ……………….. cells found in mesenchyma of sponge.
(e) ……………….. is the larva of Herdmania.
(f) Urochordate and Cephalochordate are ………………..
(g) Physalia is a member of ……………….. class.
(h) Body cavity which develops from splitting of mesoderm is ………………..
(i) Vertebrates are also called ………………..
(j) Iodine collecting duct in Urochordate is ………………..
20. Match the Column-I with Column-II
21. Om the given diagramme
(a) Labelled 1, 2, 3, 4
(b) What is the origin (germ layer) of 1 & 4 structrues.
(c) Out of above six structure which structures are found in adult human. (Only mention number of that structure)
Note (22-29): Each questions contain STATEMENT-I (Assertion) and STATEMENT-2 (Reason). Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) out of which Only one is correct.
(1) Statement- 1 is True, Statement-2 is True, Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement -1
(2) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement - 1
(3) Statement - 1 is True, Statement- 2 is False
(4) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is False
22. Statement 1: Blood is colourless in the insects.
Statement 2: Insect blood has no role in O2 transport.
23. Statement 1: The skeleton of sponges is made up of spicules.
Statement 2: Composition of spicules help in classification of sponges.
24. Statement 1: Cold blooded animals do not have fat layer.
Statement 2: Cold blooded animals use their fat for metabolic process during hibernation.
25. Statement 1: Sponges belong to Porifera.
Statement 2: Sponges have canal system.
26. Statement 1: Cold have one ovary
Statement 2: This reduces the body weight for flight.
27. Statement 1: Systematics is the branch of biology that deals with classification of living organisms.
Statement 2: The aim of classification is to group the organisms
28. Statement 1: Bats and whales are classified as mammals.
Statement 2: Bats and' whales have four, chambered heart.
29. Statement 1: The duck-billed Platypus and the spiny anteater, both are egg-laying animals yet they are grouped under mammals.
Statement 2: Both of them have seven cervical vertebrae and 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
Answer key
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