August 23, 2018
Related Topics:Board Examsboard exams patternboards new patterncbseCBSE BOARDScbse class 10cbse class 12cbse exam pattern changeCBSE newsnew pattern boardspattern change board exams
CBSE to revamp exam pattern to test students’ analytical abilities and reduce the scope of rote learning
Come 2020, and the Board exam pattern for class 10th and 12th might bear a different look. The Central Board of secondary Education(CBSE) is set to modify the existing exam pattern as a part of a revamp that involves scheduling
the Board exams in two parts-Vocational and Non Vocational Subjects.ÂÂ
The officials said that the new exam pattern would test students on their analytical abilities and reduce the scope of rote learning, with more number of short questions(1-5 marks).
“The questions will be more in the nature of problem-solving. There will be more short questions (between 1 to 5 marks). The stress would be on probing the critical thinking abilities of students and test actual learning outcomes rather than allow students to score high marks by virtue of rote,” mentioned a senior HRD officer.
Additionally, the board is also contemplating the introduction of new bylaws to simplify and shorten the affiliation process. According to these bylaws, the focus during affiliation/renewal decisions will be on the academic quality of institutions such as the quality of teachers, learning outcomes, and pedagogy. Also, the evaluation of school facilities will be done by the directorates of school education, and CBSE will depend on the report submitted by these directorates.

New plans Proposed by CBSE
Furthermore, the new plan proposes  that the exams for vocational subjects, which are significantly lower in number will be conducted in February, while the exams for Non Vocational subjects would be wrapped up in 15 days in March itself, thereby speeding up the process for declaration of results. However, the ministry officials mentioned that the proposals were still at the discussion stage and “nothing has been crystallized so farâ€Â.