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  1. I got 78% in CBSE 2014, but didn’t come under 20 percentile criteria. I qualified in JEE Mains 2014, but didn’t get a rank in JEE Advanced. Will the 75% criteria be sufficient for me or should I write CBSE 2015 Exam, if so, what will be the criteria for me to qualify for 2015 IIT admissions?

  2. sir i pass the 12 class in 2013 from cbse board then after in 2015 i give 12 board exam again from state board
    i am eligible for jee advance

  3. mains score in jee 2015 is 55 and xpected board percentile 96.5….will i get quLIFIED FOR advance and am i elgible for nit

  4. Sir, I qualified in mains, I am from S.C. Category and got 72 marks in jee mains, and got 76% in cbse 12th board, what could be my expected rank (all India rank and category wise rank). Will I get civil or electrical or mechanical branch in any of the good nits?

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