JEE Advanced-2015: Registration Procedure

IIT Bombay, which is the conducting body for JEE Advanced 2015 has declared the dates for the online registration for Joint Entrance Examination 2015. The registration process is going to begin from May 02 and will last till May 07, 2015.
Joint Entrance Exam Advanced (JEE Advanced 2015) is an under graduate national level exam for students seeking admission to engineering program in the prestigious IITs and ISM Dhanbad. Candidates need to qualify the JEE Main 2015 examination in order to appear in the JEE Advanced-2015.
JEE Advanced Registration Date
Online registration starts | 2nd May, 2015 (Saturday) 10:00 IST |
Online registration Ends | 7th May, 2015 (Thursday) 17:00 IST |
JEE Advanced-2015 Registration Fee
Category | Gender | |
 | Male | Female |
Examination Centres in India | ||
General (GE) | INR 2000 | INR 1000 |
Other backward class – Non  Creamy Layer (OBC – NCL ) | INR 2000 | INR 1000 |
Scheduled Cast (SC) | INR 1000 | INR 500 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) | INR 1000 | INR 500 |
Persons with disability (PwD) | INR 1000 | INR 500 |
Examination centre: Dubai | ||
All Categories | USD 220 | USD 220 |
JEE Advanced 2015 Registration Process ÂÂ
- In order to appear in the JEE Advanced-2015 examination, candidates need to register themselves first. Registration can be done only through the online portal, “â€Â
- Read all the instructions carefully before registering for the JEE Advanced-2015
- If any candidate fails to meet the eligibility criteria mentioned in the notification of JEE Advanced-2015, then his/her registration will automatically get cancelled
- Candidates can register for JEE Advanced 2015 even though he fails to opt JEE Advanced-2015 while registering for JEE MAIN-2015
- Under any circumstances, applicants cannot withdraw JEE (Advanced) 2015 application after the registration is completed
- Registration fee is neither refundable nor transferable

Essential Documents Required
- A recent colored photograph of full face with the head centered in the frame covering 70-80% of the photograph
- Birth Certificate Copy
- Class XII (or equivalent examination) certificate
- Scanned copy of candidate’s full signature
- Scanned copy of left-hand thumb impression
- OBC, SC, ST Category candidates need to produce the OBC-NCL certificate or the Caste certificate issued on or after June 1, 2014.
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