July 19, 2018
Related Topics:IITIIT-JEENEET -2019

Soon after the human resource development ministry announced the handing over of competitive exams like JEE, NEET to the National Testing Agency (NTA), a new set of rules have been prepared and are ready to roll from next year.
The NTA now mandates competitive exams to be all computerized, meaning which, the examinations will rely heavily on technological tools like Artificial Intelligence, Psychometric analysis, and Computer-based adaptive testing.
In a statement, Vineet Joshi, director general of NTA, said: “The test will be 100 percent safe… The highest level of encryption will be used so that no one can hack into the system“
How JEE & NEET Tests are being Smartened!
- Each candidate will now get a unique set of questions, with the software picking questions randomly for candidates.
- The NTA is analyzing past year question paper to check whether those tests prepared candidates for future courses such as medical, engineering.
- The Question setters will undergo psychometric tests based on the results of the analysis.
- The best encryption will be used to make the system hacking proof – no possibility of cheating as the software will pick questions randomly
- The questions not attempted or marked to be replied later will be available on a click.
- The candidate will have the opportunity to choose the examination date and center within a test period.
Now buckle up & start preparing for JEE/ NEET – 2019.
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