February 6, 2014

Joining the bandwagon of top states making it big in the Joint Entrance Examination is Uttar Pradesh with 12% candidates qualifying the exam. Uttar Pradesh has secured an all-time best third position at the national ranking list of states with best engineering brains.
Andhra Pradesh topped the list with 17.7 % candidates qualifying the exam while Rajasthan secured second position with 17.4%, which was a slight margin in favor of Andhra Pradesh.
5.6% candidates qualified the Joint Entrance Examination in Bihar, 7 % from national capital, and 7.8% from Maharashtra.
However, Uttar Pradesh has performed poorly Board-wise with just 1.7% from UP board qualified the JEE. Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan here too top the list board-wise with 17% and 6.6 % candidates from boards qualifying the JEE respectively
This post was contributed by Alok kumar Singh, askiitians