Flag 10 grade science> These are some examples of vestigial stru...
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These are some examples of vestigial structures in man.AWisdom tooth, vermiform appendix, hairBWisdom tooth, vermiform appendix, coccyxCWisdom tooth, head, nailsDNone of the above

sam pandey , 4 Years ago
Grade 8
anser 1 Answers
Omveer Singh

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

The human body has a few unneeded parts. We no longer rely on these organs or structures for any serious function, or they have atrophied or degenerated to the point that they don't serve the function they used to. Charles Darwin pointed to these vestiges of anatomy in humans and other animals as evidence for evolution. Eventually, by noting how the vestigial organs in one species were similar to functioning organs in other species, biologists concluded two otherwise dissimilar creatures must have shared a common ancestor. Here are five of the most notable vestigial organs in humans: appendix, tailbone (coccyx), erector pili and excessive body hair, wisdom teeth etc. Thus, option B is correct.

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