What is the pH of the acid which is used in the formation of common salt?
Harshit Singh , 2 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
3 Answers
Pawan Prajapati
Last Activity: 2 Years ago
Our expert is working on this Class X Science answer.
We will update the answer very soon.
Yash Patari
Last Activity: 2 Years ago
making the solution neutral, that is it will have a pH scaling 7. Hence, the pH of aqueous $NaCl$ solution will be 7.
Yash Patari
Last Activity: 2 Years ago
The pH of an acid that is used in the formation of common salt falls between 1 to 3. Common salt is formed as a result of the neutralization reaction along with water. A neutralization reaction involves the reaction of an acid and a base which forms salt as their byproduct along with water.
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