Pawan Prajapati
Last Activity: 3 Years ago
Hint: All species need food. Animal nutrition includes the requirements for nutrients, the way in which food is consumed, and the use of food in the body. Food consumption is called ingestion. In a process called digestion, the ingested food is broken down into simpler substances. In various species, the mode of food intake varies. Let us take a look at the various ways in which organisms take in food.
Complete answer:
Name of the animal Food the animals eat
Buffalo Grass, oilcakes, hay, grains
Cat Small animal(rat), birds, milk
Rat Grains and cloth
Lion Flesh of other animals
Tiger Flesh of other animals
Spider Insects
House lizard Insects
Cow Grass, chapati, oilcake, grains and vegetable
Human being Vegetables, fruits, egg and flesh
Butterfly Insects
Crow Flesh and grains
Other Flesh and grains
Additional information: Animals that eat each plant and animals are known as omnivores. Examples- dog, cat, crow, masses, etc. Human beings consume plants, plant merchandise yet as animals and animal merchandise. So, on the premise of the food that they eat, masses are often placed within the class of omnivores. An omnivore is an organism that along with plants and animals, frequently consumes a variety of materials. Human beings are considered omnivores. Since they eat plants, also vegetables and fruits. We tend to eat cooked meat or used for merchandise like milk or eggs. We tend to eat fungi like mushrooms. We tend to additionally eat Protoctista, within the kind of edible seaweeds like nori that measure accustomed wrap dish rolls, and green algae, ingested in salads. Bears square measure omnivores, too. They eat plants like berries yet as mushroom fungi and animals like salmon or ruminant.
Note: There are different species having different nutrition modes. Few species have a digestive system that is well evolved to digest their food. The lower organisms do not have proper digestive organs. The food is broken down into smaller particles and transported to various parts of the body. The waste products are eliminated through the excretory organs in the body.