Flag 9 grade maths> 8. The distance (in km) of 40 engineers f...
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8. The distance (in km) of 40 engineers from their residence to their place of work were found as follows:6 3 10 20 26 11 13 7 12 3119 10 12 17 18 11 32 17 16 27 9 7 8 3 6 12 16 18 312 14 2 9 6 15 16 7 6 12What is the empirical probability that an engineer lives:(i) less than 7 km from her place of work?(ii) more than or equal to 7 km from her place of work?(iii,) within ikm from her place of work?

Harshit Singh , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Pawan Prajapati

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Total number of engineers = 40. (i) Number of engineers having distance of less than 7 km from their residence to the place of work = 9. PROBABILITY 237 .. Probability that an engineer lives less than 7 km from her place of work = 9 . 40 (ii') Number of engineers having distance of more than or equal to 7 km from their residence to the place of work = 40 - 9 = 31. :. Probability that an engineer lives more than or equal to 7 km from her place of work = 31 40 (iii) There is no engineer within -i km from her place of work. :. Probability that an engineer lives within -ikm from her place of work = 0.

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