Flag 9 grade science> If g1 g2 g3 are the accleration due to gr...
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If g1 g2 g3 are the accleration due to gravity on the earth surface ,on the top of the mountain and inside a mine then decreasing order is

Roshini , 5 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student 
we know on the surface of earth, it is
g1 =  GM / R^2
Say at that height h, the gravitational acceleration is g2.
So we can write, mg2 = GMm / (R+h)^2
=> g2 = GM/(R+h)^2
as altitude h increases, the value of acceleration due to gravity falls.
as depth h increases, the value of acceleration due to gravity falls.
and the order will be 
g1 > g3 > g2 
Hope this helps 
Good Luck 


Last Activity: 4 Years ago

going down or going up value of g decreases 
g1 >g3 >g 2
i think it is just formula based 
good luck

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