Flag 9 grade science> What is the difference between haploid an...
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What is the difference between haploid and diploid???

Leena , 6 Years ago
Grade 6
anser 1 Answers
Kushal Chaudhari

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Diploid and Haploid are the terms very often used in Genetics in context of Genome, chromosomes.
Diploid: Diploid is that carrying two sets of chromosome in genome in nucleus.
               Ex: Human cells like skin, lung etc. are diploid that is they have two sets of chromosomes (23 from each parent) but Gemetic cells like egg and sperm are haploid.
Haploid: Haploid are the cells which contain a single set of chromosomes in genome (chromosomes). Ex: Gemetic cells etc.
Ploidy can be triploidy (3 sets), tetraploidy (4 sets), pentaploidy (5 sets) and hexaploidy (6 sets). Like comoom wheat species are hexaploid i.e. they have 5 sets of chromosome in their genomes.

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