my predicted aieee 2011 rank is 15000-16000. belong to general category and have delhi quota. can i get admission in DTU or NSIT or PEC or some other NIT near to Delhi? i m comfortable with all branches like mechanical,civil etc.
nishant gupta , 13 Years ago
3 Answers
Ashwin Sinha
Last Activity: 13 Years ago
Dear Nishant,
U r comfortable, then it's good, bcoz, u can get Jalandhar NIT, etc. near Delhi!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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as per 2010 , u can get civil, polymer ,textile automobile in dce.nsit is difficult!!! pec is impossible(punjab qouta)nit delhi any branch for sure.remember nit delhi is new but its mentor is nit warangal so in 4 yrs it can reach great heights!!!
nikit bro..i listened somwhere dat its nt safe to go for nit delhi at present as there are very few chances that campus will shift to delhi and even if it do, then we wont get any satisfactory placement as it'll be just the starting of college. what do you think about it?
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