
sir my jee main 2018 rank is 16638.I belong to general quota.Can i get computer science in any of the nits?

sir my jee main 2018 rank is 16638.I belong to general quota.Can i get computer science in any of the nits?


3 Answers

Deepak Kumar Shringi
askIITians Faculty 4404 Points
6 years ago
yeah you can here list for you states nits-
srinagar,sikkim ,UK,silchar,andhra pradesh,patna
maybe you can get in your homestate as well due to 50% quota, so let me know your state
88 Points
6 years ago
Dear student, with this rank you can NIT, AP/ Srinagar/ Utrakhand and all from North East. You should try applying in some good private universities too.
These days the private universities are no less than the govt. universities. They offer the same quality education and better facilities than many of the govt.institutions. Most of the private universities like LPU, Manipal, SRM, etc have made name for themselves for quality education, good placements, good faculty, etc. They admit students on different criteria like +2 marks, JEE marks, there own test scores.
You can try your luck over there too for your bright future.
Best of luck. 
140 Points
5 years ago
If you don't get admission in desired college, do not get disoriented. Rather try and search about the reputation and the placements offered by some private universities. You can select B Tech.

B Tech is one of the most popular courses, always in demand in India. Students prefer this course with an idea of securing a well paid job after the completion of their professional degree course. So you can select any branch of engineering depending upon your interest among CSE, Mechanical, Electronics, Civil, Aerospace, Biotechnology, Food Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Information Technology, Chemical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Electronics and Computer Engineering or any other.

So it is advisable if you earn your degree from a well known university that provides prime placement opportunity, outstanding industrial exposure and professional enhancement training.


I can enlist some universities for your help -


  • Lovely Professional University,
  • Manav Rachna University,
  • Sharda University etc.

which offer excellent learning atmosphere to their students.


I hope it helps.


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