Flag AIIMS MBBS> Figure below shows a cylindrical tube of ...
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Figure below shows a cylindrical tube of volume V0 divided in two parts by a frictionless separator. The walls of the tube are adiabatic but the separator is conducting. Ideal gases are filled in the two parts. When the separator is kept in the middle, ten pressure are p1 and p2 in the left part and teh right part respectively. The separator os slowly slid and is released at aposition where it can stay in equilibrium. Find the volumes of the two parts.

Abhishek Dogra , 6 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Volume of the two parts is = Vo P1^1/γ / P1^1/γ + P2^1/γ, heat given to the gas in the left part is 0, final common pressure of the gases is P   = ( P1/γ1 + P1/γ2/2 )^γo
For Adiabatic process:
PV^γ = constant
(a) P1V1 = P2V2
V1 + V2 = Vo
V2 =  Vo - V1
P1V1^γ  =  P2( Vo - V1)^γ
(P1/P2)^1/γ  =  Vo - V1/ V1
V1P1^1/γ =  Vo P2^1/γ - V1P2^1/γ
V1( P1^1/γ + P2^1/γ) =  VoP2^1/γ
V1 =  VoP2^1/γ / P1^1/γ + P2^1/γ
V2 = Vo - V1 = Vo P1^1/γ / P1^1/γ + P2^1/γ
(b) Adiabatic Wall + Adiabatic separator
Heat given to the left part is 0
(c) P1V1^γ + P2V2^γ = PVo^γ
For equilibrium:
V1 = V2 = Vo/2
P1 (Vo/2)^γ +  P2 (Vo/2)^γ =  PVo^γ
P = P1/2^γ + P2/2^γ
  = ( P1/γ1 + P1/γ2/2 )^γo

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