Flag Algebra> Test divisibility rule “77” with example 111111111111111111
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Test divisibility rule “77” with example 111111111111111111111111.

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Sandhya Rani Barla , 3 Years ago
Grade 6
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Last Activity: 3 Years ago

“The difference between twice the unit digit of the given number and the remaining part of the given number should be a multiple of 7 or equal to 0.”
Step 1: Multiply the unit digit with 2
Step 2: Remove the unit digit of the number
Step 3: Find the difference of these two numbers
Step 4: If the anwer is divisible by 7, then the given number is also divisible by 7
Ex-> 665:-
5*2= 10
Removing 5 from 665, we get 66
66-10= 56 which is a multiple of 7
therefore665 is divisible by 7.

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