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altristic behaviour is not found in white ants spotted dear honey beees bitch

raghav , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Apoorva Arora

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Dogs often adopt orphaned cats, squirrels, ducks, and even tigers.
Wolves and wild dogs bring meat back to members of the pack not present at the kill.
Mongooses support elderly, sick, or injured animals
Meerkats often have one standing guard to warn whilst the rest feed in case of predator attack.
Raccoons inform conspecifics about feeding grounds by droppings left on commonly shared latrines. A similar information system has been observed to be used by common ravens.
Male baboons threaten predators and cover the rear as the troop retreats.
Gibbons and chimpanzees with food will, in response to a gesture, share their food with others of the group. Chimpanzees will help humans and conspecifics without any reward in return.
Bonobos have been observed aiding injured or handicapped bonobos.
Vampire bats commonly regurgitate blood to share with unlucky or sick roost mates that have been unable to find a meal, often forming a buddy system.
Vervet Monkeys give alarm calls to warn fellow monkeys of the presence of predators, even though in doing so they attract attention to themselves, increasing their personal chance of being attacked.
Lemurs of all ages and of both sexes will take care of infants unrelated to them.
Dolphins support sick or injured animals, swimming under them for hours at a time and pushing them to the surface so they can breathe.
Walruses have been seen adopting orphans who lost their parents to predators.
African buffalo will rescue a member of the herd captured by predators.
In numerous bird species, a breeding pair receives support in raising its young from other "helper" birds, including help with the feeding of its fledglings. Some will even go as far as protecting an unrelated bird's young from predators
Some termites and ants release a sticky secretion by fatally rupturing a specialized gland. This autothysis altruistically aids the colony at the expense of the individual insect. For example, defending against invading ants by creating a tar baby effect. This can be attributed to the fact that ants share their genes with the entire colony, and so this behaviour is evolutionarily beneficial (not necessarily for the individual ant but for the continuation of its specific genetic make-up).

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