Apurva Sharma
Last Activity: 2 Years ago
1. It is a membrane bound organelle found in the plant cell.
2. It is a part of the plant cell.
3. It has iits own DNA.
4. It ccontains chlorophyll and is the site of Photosynthesis.
1. It is the pigment present Inside chlorophyll. (Part of Chloroplast)
2. It provides the green color to the plants.
3. It traps energy from sunlight for Photosynthesis.
4. Its of 5 types- a,b,c,d,f
1. Membrane bound organelle found in plants.
2. Main function is synthesis and storage of substances.
3. There are many types of plastic depending on type of substance stored. Chloroplast(Pigments), Amyloplast(starch), Eliaoplast(fats), etc
4. Chloroplast is also a plastid which stores Pigments