Nicho priyatham
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
Hey,congrats on your sucess
I am 2nd year under grad at IIT Bombay.Firsly I want to say that if you are really intrested in any paticular subject the take it up without bothering about location.If you dont have any paticular intrest the I will advice you to give preference to IIT Bombay first ,then to Delhi or Madras then to IIT kanpur and Karaghpur and then to IIT Rorkee , Guwahati , Hyerabad. After spending an Year at any of top IIT you realise that “Branch is always secondary ”
I have asked you to give prefrence to IIT Bombay Delhi and Madras because they are old IITs and you get a lot of exposure as they are in Metro cities and amoung these 3 IIT Bombay offers you more freedom then any other IIT so IITb should b place first.
PLZ UPGRADE if useful
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