Mybrother’s son hasgot 1900 Rank in IIT -JEE Mains. Kindly Guide us wheather give preprence to brach OR Old IITs. We like higher payment branch with IIT tag.Some people say to opt for MnC, is it equal to SCE?OR we should opt for 5 years CSE.Also please advice Order of Branch with IIT wise
HARISH BHARDWAJ , 10 Years ago
2 Answers
Sher Mohammad
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
You should prefer branch than IIT, at the end of day branch at performance matters not IIT, cse and MnC both are good, but give prefrence to cse.
sher mohammad
faculty askiitans, iit delhi
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
Dear Mr.Mohammed,
thank you for your valuable guidance.
kindly inform order of IITs for opting CSE and other branches next to CSE .