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sir,i wanna kno that is there common syllabus for all students for first semester in b tech and also i want to know that how can i become topper in my college in b tech whatever be the stream.plz tell me how to study in b tech.reply soon

javed akhtar , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Javed,

Yes there is comman sllybus for the First year everywhere.

And regarding becoming topper, its not at all difficult ..  atttend all lectures, work good in practicals and most important study seriously.

To score good CGPA:

The grading can be relative among the students or can be absolute, entirely depending on your subject teacher. some times this includes your impression, attendence, assignment submission - but all these carry 20 marks, mid exams-30 marks, end exams - 50 marks.

and CGPA has lot of importance in first shortlist for comapnies. generally a cgpa of 7.5 is very gud. Entirely CGPA doesnot work in placmnts, thr requirres u r persaonal talent, extra activities and son on. A gud CGPA will take u too the desk of interviewer easily sooner. Salary packages depends on depends on your dept.

All the Best !

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