AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear Unnati
This is the example of nucleophilic substitution Reaction.
In this type of reaction, a nucleophile reacts with haloalkane (the substrate) having a partial positive charge on the carbon atom bonded to halogen. A substitution reaction takes place and halogen atom, called leaving group departs as halide ion. Since the substitution reaction is initiated by a nucleophile, it is called nucleophilic substitution reaction.
see example for this type of reaction
The mechanism
Here is the mechanism for the reaction involving bromoethane:

This is an example ofnucleophilic substitution.
Here OH- is nucleophile.
KNO2 O=N—O(nucleophile) R—O—N=O Alkyl nitrite (product)
AgNO2 Ag—Ö—N=O (nucleophile) R—NO2 Nitroalkane
Groups like cyanides and nitrites possess two nucleophilic centres and are called ambident nucleophiles.
nitrite ion represents an ambident nucleophile with two different points of linkage [O—N=O]. The linkage through oxygen results in alkyl nitrites while through nitrogen atom,it leads to nitroalkanes.
All the best.
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