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Is LNMIIT a decent college to take or should I drop one year. I got 102 marks in mains and expecting 92% in boards. This score wasn`t good for me as fsr as concerned because I couldn`t complete my paper in time. It was just nearly half done and time was over. So should I drop one year to take coaching and develop speed and get into good college or dropping a year isn`t a good option?

raghav , 10 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Yash Baheti

Last Activity: 10 Years ago


Optiong a drop out is a better option than choosing LNMIIT.
But only if you are ready to work hard. Aim for IITs and target JEE Advanced.
You will surely improve your rank and can get a better college than LNMIIT.
We also offer various online contact courses where we are going to teach you full syllabus of 11th and 12th and can work out on your speed problem seperately.

To book a demo with us, just fill the form available on our website.

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