Flag Electric Current> A man can swim at a speed of 3km/h in sti...
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A man can swim at a speed of 3km/h in still water. He wants to cross a 500m wide river flowing at a speed of 2km/h. He keeps himself always at an angle of 120 degree with the river flow while swimming. Find the time he takes to cross the river and at what point on the opposite bank will he arrive.




Repliers in under 10 minutes with complete diagram and steps are rated as Genius, those under 20 minutes are Stupendous, afterall every correct replier will be reated as good at kinematics by me. NOTE : I could solve it with all the mentioned conditions in 7 minutes 29 seconds. Lets see how many of you are quicker than me. Finally : IT IS NOT TOUGH SO DO GIVE IT A TRY. I'm waiting.

Kevin Nash , 10 Years ago
Grade upto college level
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