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current uses and explaine

RAMESH , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 6 Answers
Gavvala Ganesh

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Current use is a phrase used to describe the present condition of landuse and corresponding scheme for property tax incentives for qualifying land owners (typically rural) who wish to preserve open space and avoid having their property assessed at the "best and highest" use that could be made of it (i.e., a housing


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

An electric current is a flow of electric charge. In electric circuits this charge is often carried by moving electrons in a wire. It can also be carried by ions in an electrolyte, or by both ions and electrons such as in a plasma.


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

 that could be made of ituse and corresponding scheme for property tax incentives for qualifying land owners (typically rural) who wish to preserve open space and avoid having their property assessed at the "best and highest" use condition of landpresent is a phrase used to describe the Current use


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Current use is a phrase used to describe the present condition of land use and corresponding scheme for property tax incentives for qualifying land owners (typically rural) who wish to preserve open space and avoid having their property assessed at the "best and highest" use that could be made of it (i.e., a housing development or a commercial use). The statutes provide significant savings when the land is currently in use for farming (agriculture and horticulture), silviculture, or comprises wetlands, or even unproductive woods or barrens. Further discounts may accrue if the land owner is willing to file a recreational easement permitting the unimpeded public to come upon the land for non-motorized recreation (e.g., hiking, hunting, bicycling, bird-watching, etc.). Some jurisdictions require a qualifying submittal of a "stewardship plan" for woodlands, while others (including New Hampshire) provide further tax reductions for these optional inclusions. Soils data must often be included for requests related to agricultural areas.


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Current use is a phrase used to describe the present condition of landuse and corresponding scheme for property tax incentives for qualifying land owners (typically rural) who wish to preserve open space and avoid having their property assessed at the "best and highest" use that could be made of it (i.e., a housing data must often be included for requests related to agricultural areas.Soils) provide further tax reductions for these optional inclusions. New Hampshire plan" for woodlands, while others (including stewardship permitting the unimpeded public to come upon the land for non-motorized recreation (e.g., hiking, hunting, bicycling, bird-watching, etc.). Some jurisdictions require a qualifying submittal of a "easement, or even unproductive woods or barrens. Further discounts may accrue if the land owner is willing to file a recreational wetlands, or comprises silviculture), horticulture and agriculture (farming for currently in use incentives for qualifying land owners (typically rural) who wish to preserve open space and avoid having their property assessed at the "best and highest" use that could be made of it (i.e., a housing development or a commercial use). The statutes provide significant savings when the land is property tax and corresponding scheme for land use is a phrase used to describe the present condition of Current use


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

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