Flag Electric Current> The plate resistance of a triode is 8 kO ...
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The plate resistance of a triode is 8 kΩ and the transconductanceis 2.5 millimho. (a) If the plate voltage is increased by 48 V, and the grid voltage is kept constant, what will be the increase in the plate current? (b) With plate voltage kept constant at this increased value, how much should the grid voltage be decreased in order to bring the plate current back to its initial value?

Radhika Batra , 10 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Navjyot Kalra

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Sol. r base p = (δV base p/ δl base p) at constant V base g Consider the two points on V base g = -6 line r base p = (240 - 160)V/(13 - 3) * 10^-3 A = 80/10 *10^3 Ω = 8KΩ g base m = (δl base p/ δV base g)v base p = constant considering the point on 200 V line, g base m = (13 - 3) * 10^-3/[(-4) + (-8)] A = 10 * 10^-3/4 = 2.5 milli mho μ = r base p * gm = 8 * 10^3 Ω * 2.5 * 10^-3 Ω^-1 = 8 * 1.5 = 20

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