Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Increasing the value ofℏsignificantly would be pretty interesting, as matter has a wavelength proportional to it. Walking through a doorway might become a new experience as you get diffracted into a wall.
However, this is all backwards thinking. The physical constants calibrate our mathematical models of the universe, likeλ=h/p, not the other way around. So it is better to say that if you got diffracted every time you walked through a doorway, you would need a largeℏto model that.
Additionally, since constants likeℏhave units, their value is somewhat arbitrary anyway. Which brings us to dimensionless constants... here's a good one:
the ratio of the gravitational to electromagnetic force for a unit charge and mass at a unit distance.
Currently the electromagnetic force kicks gravity's butt, but I wonder what life would be like if that weren't the case.