Flag Inorganic Chemistry> Is basicity α reducing character. If yes,...
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Is basicity α reducing character. If yes, then why it is written in NCERT Chemistry as follows:
“On moving from NH3 to BiH3 reducing characters of hydrides increases. Also, basicity decreases in order of NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 > BiH3 ”
Plzz clear my doubt...

Shibashis Mallik , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Sunil Kumar FP

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

actually you have a confusion.We cannot say that only on the basis of basicity the reducing character of any compound.
In case of basicity order the lone pair of electron are close enough to donate a pair of electron to the other atom.Due to the presence of lone pairs of electron, the hydrides of these elements are basic (Lewis bases) in nature. The basicity decreases with the size of the central atom due to diffusion of electrons over large volume i.e. down the group, as the size of the elements increases the electron density on element decreases.Also, we can say basicity decreases down the group as the electronegativity decreases down the group
So here in explaning the basicity the size factor and the electronegativity of the elment is playing important role.

On moving down the group,the metallic character increases.Also the tendency to form higher valence state increases.
.this is because as we move down the group size of central metal atom increases and hence M-H bond strength decreases and hence stability decreases
So as stability decreases their tendency to liberate hydrogen increases and hence their reducing character increases .
So you can see it is explained differently,So dont get confused.In earlier post I deduce the relation between basicity and reducing character bu there are other factors which predominates this direct relationship between basicity and reducing character


Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Reducing character here means how easily an central atom of a compound can donate an nascent hydrogen

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