Flag Inorganic Chemistry> What is the order of bond angles NO 2 + ,...
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What is the order of bond angles NO2+ , NO2 , NO2- ??

Zunaid Sorathiya , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Aarti Gupta

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

The order of bond angels between NO2+,NO2 AND NO2will be--
NO2+ > NO2 > NO2--
This is due to the fact that NO2+ has no unshaired electrons,so it will be linear having bond angel 180deg.In NO2,N-atom has one unshaired electron causing repusion due to which bond angel decreases to 132deg, but this repulsion will be lesser as compared to NO2-- which has an unshaired electron pair causes repulsion more thereby forcing the bond pairs more colse and thus decreases the bond angel to 115deg.So the bond angel follows the above trend.

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