Flag Marks and Rank in IIT JEE> the best branch in best iit...
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my expected AIR is around 500 to 700....which branch and which iit i can get....what is best 4 me....????i am interested in computer science, mechanical, electrical...

Anshul Bhatt , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Askiitians Expert Gaurav Aggarwal - IIT Delhi

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Anshul,

This is quite a good rank. I suggest that at this rank you should think of mainly IITB, IITD, IITK. You can get computer science at IIT Guwahati or in any of new IITs, but doing electrical or mechanical in the above listed IITs may prove to be more beneficial. Mechanical you can get in any of the IITs if your rank lies closer to 500, but at 700 it may not be available in the top ranked IITs. 4 year electrical would also not be available in the top IITs. But we have here dual degree courses in electrical which may be an option for you. These are 5 year course in which you get a bachelors and a masters degree. Also, consider Electrical (power) at IIT Delhi which is an excellent option for those who can't take electrical at the top IITs and still have a lot of interest in electrical.

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All the best Anshul !!!


Askiitians Experts


umesh chandrakant shah

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Anshul,

You are the student of Computer.

Your first choice is also Computer.

You should go for Computer branch only.

My heartly Congratulations for good rank in IIT-2010.

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