Sachin Tyagi
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
Antiseptics and Disinfectants:- The chemical used for sterilization are classified under two headings
Antiseptic:- The term septic is derived from the Greek word septikos which means putrify or rot. In medicine, it indicates the state of being infected with pus forming or gainisms. Anti infective agents which are applied locally, i.e., applied directly to the skin wound, etc., are known as antiseptics.
An antiseptic is a substance which prevents the growth of micro organisms as long as it remains in contact with them. Antiseptics do not harm the living tissue and can be applied on cuts and wounds. Some common examples of antiseptics are: Dettol, savlon, acriflavin, gentian violet, mercurochrome, boric acid, chloramineT, tincture of iodine, iodoform, potassium permanganate, etc.
Disinfectants:- These substances kill the bacteria immediately. These are used for sterlisation of inanimate objects like instruments, utensils, clothes, floor, sanitary fittings, sputum and excreta. These are harmful to living tissues and cannot be used on the skin. The example are: phenol, methyl phenols, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, bleaching powder, sulphure dioxide, etc.
The same substance can act as antiseptic or disinfectant depending upon the concentration of the substance in solution. In smaller consent rations, it is an antiseptic while is higher concentrations it becomes disinfectant. 0.2% solution of phenol acts as an antiseptic and its 1% solution is a disinfectant.