Flag Organic Chemistry> Sir please tell me important chemical tea...
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Sir please tell me important chemical teast to distinguish between compounds with thei restrictions eg CH3 for iodoform

Ayush Bhandari , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Aarti Gupta

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Iodoform reaction comes under the haloform reaction where a haloform (CHX3, where X is a halogen)is produced by the exhaustive halogenation of a methyl ketone (a molecule containing the R–CO–CH3 group) in the presence of a base,R may be H,alkyl or aryl. The reaction can be used to produce chloroform(CHCl3), bromoform (CHBr3), or iodoform (CHI3).

Iodoform test :-When iodine and sodium hydroxide are used as the reagents, a positive reaction gives iodoform. Iodoform (CHI3) is a pale-yellow substance. Due to its high mloar mass caused by the three iodine atoms, it is solid at room temperature (cf. chloroform and bromoform). It is insoluble in water and has an antiseptic smell. A visible precipitate of this compound will form from a sample only when either a methyl ketone, ethanal, ethanol, or a methyl secondary alcohol is present.

Thanks & Regards

Aarti Gupta

askiitians Faculty

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