Flag Organic Chemistry> why sulphuric acid is added in residue on...
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why sulphuric acid is added in residue on ignition test what ia the exact resion

santhu , 3 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Arushi Sharma

Last Activity: 2 Years ago

Dear Student,
Kindly find the solution of your question.

1)The residue ignition test or sulphated ash test is carried out using the gravimetric method. Chemically and thermally, the residue produced following sulfuric acid treatmentis stable and adheres to gravimetric analysis principles techique.

2) The residues produced without the application of sulphuric acid are as follows:
Carbon dioxide and moisture in the lab make it sensitive atomosphere. As a result, the makeup of the leftovers changes, and During final weighing, the mass of the leftovers varies residue, as well as the test's accuracy and precision.

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