if pd vs p(where p denotes pressure in atm and d denotes density in g/l. ) is plotted for helium gas(assume ideal) at a particular temprature. if (dp(pd)/dp)=5,p=8.21atm,then the temprature will be?
Sumeet Garg , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Pramod J AskiitiansExpert-IIT-B
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear student,
PV = mRT/M
=> d = m/V = PM/RT
pd = (P^2)M/RT
d(pd)/dp = 2PM/RT
at P = 8.21 atm d(pd)/dp = 2PM/RT = 5
=> T = 2*8.21*10^5*4/8.314*10^3 *5 = 157.99K
hope this explains.
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