Parveen Khurana
Last Activity: 11 Years ago
Crystalline - (1) are true solids
(2) are those solids in which particles are arranged in regular and peroidic manner in 3-d space
(3) have long range order
(4) can be cut into clean surfaces
(5) are made up of unit cell
(6) have fixed or sharp melting point
(7) have definite value for heat of fusion
(8) are aniisotropic
Amorphous - (1) pseudo solids or supercooled liquids
(2) particles not arranged in regular manner
(3) short range orfer
(4) not made up of unit cell
(5) can not be cut into clean surfaces
(6) do not sharp melting pt , they have melting range
(7) do not have fixed value for heat of fusion
(8) are isotropic