
Ammonia under a pressure of 20 ATM at 123°C is heated to 327°C in closed vessel. Under these conditions, ammonia is partially decomposed to N2 and H2. After decomposition at constant volume in the vessel, the pressure increase to 50 ATM. What is the degree of dissociation?

Ammonia under a pressure of 20 ATM at 123°C is heated to 327°C in closed vessel. Under these conditions, ammonia is partially decomposed to N2 and H2. After decomposition at constant volume in the vessel, the pressure increase to 50 ATM. What is the degree of dissociation?


1 Answers

Rituraj Tiwari
askIITians Faculty 1792 Points
3 years ago
657-1065_Annotation 2020-08-19 110709.png

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