
calculate the heat of formation of ethane at 25C.The bond enthalpies for H-H,C-C and C-H are 104.2 kcal,80 kcal and 99.5 Kcal respectively. Heat of vaporization of carbon is 171.7 kcal

calculate the heat of formation of ethane at 25C.The bond enthalpies for H-H,C-C and C-H are 104.2 kcal,80 kcal and 99.5 Kcal respectively. Heat of vaporization of carbon is 171.7 kcal


1 Answers

Rituraj Tiwari
askIITians Faculty 1792 Points
4 years ago
657-1813_Annotation 2020-08-29 220527.png

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