
Differentiate between globular and fibrous proteins.

Differentiate between globular and fibrous proteins.


1 Answers

Anjali Ahuja
askIITians Faculty 234 Points
9 years ago
The differences are here-->
Globular Proteins-
1.They have folded ball like structure.
2.they have three dimentional shape.
3.They have weak intermoleculer hydrogen bonding.
4.They are soluble in bases, acids and water.
5. Examples- Casien of milk, Egg albumin.

Fibrous Proteins-
1. They have thread like structure.
2. They have helical or sheet structure.
3. They have comparitively stronger intermoleculer forces of attraction.
4. they are insoluble in bases, acids and water.
5. Examples are – Silk, Skin, Wool

In figure: Collagen is fibrous and myglobin is globular protein.


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