Calculate the rat at which heat would be lost on a very cold winter day through a 6.2 m× 3.8 m brick wall 32 cm thick. The inside temperature is 26ºC; assume that the thermal conductivity of the brick is 0.74 W/m .K.
Amit Saxena , 9 Years ago
Grade upto college level
1 Answers
Navjyot Kalra
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Area of the brick wall, A = 6.2 m × 3.8 m = 23.56 m2 Temperature difference, ΔT = (inside temperature) – (outside temperature) = 26° C – (-18° C) = 44° C = (44+273) K = 317 K Thickness, Δx = 32 cm = (32 cm) (1 m/100 cm) = 0.32 m
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