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hello mammay i know the precise method of preparation for jam exam

aishwarya , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Solve sample papers

Practicing sample papers and old question papers is the best way to put your knowledge to test. Moreover, by practicing the papers you understand different approaches of attempting different sections (MCQs, MSQs, NAT) in the exam. Apart from this, you also develop time management skills. However, note that it is not enough to just practice. After practicing a paper you should always analyse your performance and improve your weak areas.

7) Give mock tests

Keep in mind that JAM is conducted in CBT format each year. Therefore, in order to get yourself acquainted with the CBT format, it is important for you to give mock tests. Giving a mock test helps in experiencing the actual test and prepares you to give the online test without any pressure.

Note that in IIT JAM exam, you are allowed to use virtual calculator for calculations instead of a physical calculator. Therefore, it is recommended to use only virtual calculator at the time of giving mock tests.

8) Join a coaching institute

Joining a coaching institute is always a good idea as the classes focus on organised and structured way of teaching. Apart from this, coaching also helps you fill any gaps that you have in your under-graduation studies. Some of the coaching institutes that you can consider joining are:

• Trajectory Education
• Career Endeavour
• Fiziks

9) Maintain a timetable

Last but not the least, it is important to maintain a timetable so that you are able to prepare for the exam in a planned way and give sufficient time to the subjects that need more attention.

It is recommended that besides making a daily and weekly study plan, you should also make a time table for the next four months and here special attention needs to be paid on planning the timetable for the last month before the exam. The planning should involve completing each and every topic of the syllabus with special focus on important topics. However, in the last month you should focus on revising subjects and solving as many past years’ papers as possible.


While making a timetable do not forget to keep a time slot for relaxing. Relaxation forms an integral part of your IIT JAM preparation as only study and no rest increases unwanted stress that can affect your performance at the time of exam. Your relaxation schedule can include all sorts of activities such as listening to music, watching movies, meditation, playing games, going for a walk, etc.

However, note that the most important point to be kept in mind while preparing for IIT JAM exam is to be consistent with the timetable you make and follow deadlines strictly to cover your topics.

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