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Why do you get poorer gasoline mileage from your car in winter than in summer?

Simran Bhatia , 9 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
Aditi Chauhan

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Gasoline is a cold vapor. In winter, the temperature of the atmosphere goes down than the summer. So gasoline will be colder in winter than summer. Hence in winter season the pressure exerted by the gasoline to move the piston in the engine is less than the summer at same temperature. Thus at same temperature, in summer, the gasoline will be exert more pressure to move the piston in the engine, as a result you get more mileage. That is why you do get poorer gasoline mileage from your car in winter than summer.

Mariam Sajjad

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

In winter temperature of gasoline decreases so the density and viscosity increases which result in poorer gasoline mileage in winter than in summer 
 As temperature is invesely proportional to viscosity as well as density, and when the density of gasoline increases it becomes difficult for car to cover good gasoline mileage in winter.

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