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What happens in the gray zone between solid and liquid? ... Can we find a unified theory of physics? ... How did life evolve from nonliving matter?

Rituraj Tiwari , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Avishek Bhagat

Last Activity: 3 Years ago

Dear Student,

2. from liquid to solid or solid to liquid the transition has to cross the grey zone. This grey zone transition is is very crucial which includes the inter molecular forces acting on the molecules and each atoms which makes the change in state from hot to cold and cold to hot.

Einstein and others attempted to construct aunifiedfieldtheoryin which electromagnetism and gravitywouldemerge as different aspects of a single fundamental field.

The hypothesis of spontaneous generation posited thatliving organismsdevelop fromnonlivingmatter. This idea was disproved following experiments conducted in 1668 by Italian physician Francesco Redi and in 1859 by French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur.

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