Flag Wave Motion> energy can be transferred by particle as ...
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energy can be transferred by particle as well as by waves. How can we experimently distinguished between these method of energy transferred?

Ayesha , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Harshit Singh

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear Student

Energy of waves such electromagnetic waves is given by E=hf=p c=h c\l

Where h is Planck constant,c is light speed which is constant and l is the wave length.,so E=const.\l, therefore measuring l gives the energy E.or measuring the frequency gives the energy E.

Where energy of moving particle is E=1\2 mv^2 ,so knowing the mass m in kg,and the velocity v ,E can be found,

So,they have different ways of measuring the energy they carry.


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