
As nucleosides have no phosphate group then why do we call dAtp as deoxyadenosine tri phosphate .Why this phosphate group is included?

As nucleosides have no phosphate group then why do we call dAtp as deoxyadenosine tri phosphate .Why this phosphate group is included?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Simran Vinaik
askIITians Faculty 1230 Points
6 years ago
Dear student

You need to understand that there are two different terms: Nucleoside and Nucleotide. Nucleoside is a structure which has Nitrogenous base+ Pentose sugar
Nucleotide is a structure which hasNitrogenous base+ Pentose sugar+ Phosphate.
So basically nuceloside has no phosphate group but nucleotide has a phosphate group. Their nomenclature is as follows:


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