JEE 2014: Your Agenda After Results and Before Counseling?

With the boom of IT sector in the market, the demand of engineers has sky-rocked. Though there are a dozen of engineering colleges in the country but, every Indian who wants to be an engineer, dreams about joining one of the IITs. The admission to all the IITs takes place through a centralized entrance test system. The procedure of admission to IITs is known as the Joint Entrance Examination which is a highly crucial competitive examination conducted by the Indian Institutes of Technology for selection into the prestigious B.Tech program of the IITs. It is obligatory for every aspirant to clear the second level of JEE-Advanced exam for securing admission in either of the IIT's or ISM.

This year with the announcement of JEE (Main) 2014 result and the declaration of the online Counseling dates (tentative), what next for the JEE aspirants. Most of the JEE aspirants believe that the time phase between Exam and the Results is worth next to nothing but they are not aware of the fact that they are killing this time in their own different ways.This is the time period which worth its weight in gold for them.

The time which you are having after the exams & before the counseling is the time to know your interest.This is the most crucial time where your presence of mind plays an important role in selecting the courses and colleges.It’s a universal truth that we actually don’t know what we want to do and what our interests are and this is the phase where the role of your Coaching Institutes, your teachers, your seniors and your effort comes in. Consume your time in taking help of your teachers in the Coaching institutes as he is the one who knows the things well and if you are lucky enough to have some known in the Premier Institutions, no one can give better information to you than them. If you don’t have a contact person to give you the necessary information, you can also seek help from askIITians or post your queries in the ‘Discussion Board’ section.

The moment you gather knowledge, start preparing a list on the information you are getting from different sources. This list should be amixture of your interest, advice of your teachers, recommendations of askIITians Experts.

Below is a brief guideline and process of JEE Advanced 2014 Seat Allocation:

  • The allotment of the seat for JEE Advanced 2014 is only done on the basis of the All India Rank (AIR). Your preference of choosing the colleges & colleges also plays an important role in seat allotment.

  • The seat allotment for any candidate depends only after candidates with better AIRs are allotted seats. This means that the candidate with an AIR 458 will be allotted a seat only after the candidates with AIR less than or equal to 457 are allotted seats.

  • Candidate preference for the desired course and college entirely depends on the availability and the JEE Advanced 2014 AIR and if for any reason the first preference is not available, candidates will be allotted their next preference as per their choice list.

  • It is mandatory to know that after the allotment is made;all the remaining choices filled are ignored and not considered. This means, if the candidate has entered 20 choices and has been allotted the 15th one, the remaining 5 choices won’t be considered further.

  • Changes in the allotment of the seat can be possible only if some candidates decline the seats allotted to them thus facilitating the availability to the others.

  • It is mandate for the applicant to avail the admission if they are offered a higher preference from their list. Such candidates will not be allowed to keep the seat allotted earlier.

Check out the important dates for JEE Main 2014 Counselling process:

                                                                    Important Dates

Online registration & filling up of the choices

1st July 2014 to 9th July 2014

Locking of Choices

6th July 2014 to 9th July 2014

First round of seat allotment

11th July 2014

Initial fee payment as against first round of seat allotment

11th July 2014 to 14th July 2014

Second round of seat allotment

16th July 2014

Online initial fee payment as against second round of seat allotment

16th July 2014 to 19th July 2014

Third round of seat allotment

21st July 2014

Initial fee payment as against first round of seat allotment

21st July 2014 to 23rd July 2014

Surrendering of seat at the same reporting centre, by the candidates of seat allotted in round 1, 2 and 3 who are not satisfied with their allotment and do not wish to get admitted to the allotted institute, but still wish to remain in consideration for further rounds of allotment 

21ST July 2014 to 23rd July 2014

4th round of seat allotment

26th July 2014

In person reporting at allotted institute by the candidates against the fourth round of allotment

July 26 – 29, 2014

Internal sliding

31st July

Spot round for both SFTIs and GFTIs: Online registration, online choice filling, online fee payment & online choice locking

31st July 2014 to 2nd August 2014

Spot round of seat allotment

4th August

Candidates reporting as against spot allotment

4th August to 7th August 2014

Closing of Seat allocation process

7th August 2014