Teachers play a great role in shaping the personality of a student. Though this applies at any stage of education, it is extremely impressionable at the early stages of education of a student. Several of them regard their teacher as a role model, and wish to implement the principles and teachings in their lives. Great personalities in the world attribute their success in their profession due to efficient teachers who have motivated and guided them positively in the course of their education. Though a teacher aims primarily to contribute to a student’s success, yet sometimes even small mistakes can hinder the motivation of the student. Hence, it is imperative for a teacher to be cautious of his/her words and actions. Some of the six things that a teacher should not mention to students include:
When a teacher praises a student on completing a task easily, motivation for him or her to take up difficult tasks will not prevail. It makes the student feel that unnecessary effort is not required to finish any work. A teacher should instil the student to come out of the comfort zone to encounter any challenge in the future. When things are achieved easily, students sometimes may feel frustrated or cheat while facing difficult situations. On the contrary, if a teacher encourages the efforts of the student, it acts as a motivating factor to put in more effort.
It is not advisable for a teacher to make comparison between two students as every individual is unique. Comparison makes a student feel hurt and may lose self confidence. The student may develop a sense of jealousy or hatred towards the praised or favourite student of the teacher. On the other hand, the teacher can identify the specific student who is inattentive or ill-mannered to correct the behaviour. This act will be more helpful to him/ her to be attentive.
When a student feels that a teacher is severely judging him/ her, it might result in rebellion, stubbornness or complete quietness. This is not a healthy sign either for the teacher or for the student. In such a case, the teacher should disconnect the behaviour of this student from his/ her person. Loving and positive interaction will cause a change in the personality of the student. He/she can be made to understand the capacity to fulfil any task that is given. For the progress and success of the teacher, the latter must adopt the means of motivation and consideration while handling students.
Initially making fun of a student’s low grade might seem funny for other students in the class, but be embarrassing for the student. Such a remark of a teacher may hinder the good relationship that he/ she may have with the teacher. The motivation level of the student might also drop. Instead, if a teacher gives due respect to a student even with low grade, he/she might work hard to raise the grade level.
It is not a good sign if a teacher shouts at a student in the class. It might quieten the student, but feelings of humiliation and hurt will persist. The teacher can exhibit strictness through strong and respectful language rather than losing temper. This will result in a positive acceptance by the student and raise the respect level of the teacher.
Being extremely strict as a teacher, might assist in controlling the students in the class. But, the former will be labelled as a dictator. A student may not perceive the teacher with respect and may search for ways and means to disobey at times. A teacher should definitely show respect to the students and explain in a convincing manner when questions are asked.
A student aims to work hard keeping the teacher as a good model. This thought creates great motivation in achieving the goals that he/she may have. When a teacher works along with a student with trust and understanding, it works wonders and brings success in the student’s educational career.
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