1. Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
2. General Properties of the Elements
3. Chemical Bonding
4. Hydrolysis
5. Coordination Compounds
6. Metallurgy
7. Qualitative Salt Analysis
8. Hydrogen and the Hydrides
9. The s-Block Elements and their Compounds
Group 1 - The Alkali Metals
The Chlor-Alkali Industry
Group 2 - The Alkaline Earth Elements
10. The p-Block Elements and their Compounds
The Group 13 Elements
The Group 14 Elements
The Group 15 Elements
The Group 16 Elements - Chalcogens
The Group 17 Elements - The Halogens
The Group 18 Elements Noble Gases
11. The d-Block Elements and some of their Compounds
Appendix A Abundance of the Elements in the Earth’s Crust
Appendix B Melting Points of the Elements
Appendix C Boiling Points of the Elements
Appendix D Densities of the Solid and Liquid Elements
Appendix E Electronic Structures of the Elements
Appendix F Some Average Single Bond Energies and Some Double and Triple Bond Energies
Appendix G Solubilities of Main Group Compounds in Water
Appendix H Atomic Weights Based on 12 C = 12.000
Appendix I Values of Some Fundamental Physical Constants
Appendix J Electrical Resistivity of the Elements at the Stated Temperature
Appendix K Hardness of Minerals - Mohs’ Scale
Concise Inorganic Chemistry for JEE 1st Edition by J. D. Lee and SudarshanGuha,is a great book for JEE preparation. It is a concise form of the great J.D book but made especially from the point of view of JEE preparation. Thus it has all the necessary part of JEE minus the other irrelevant content. Not only that, but it also has some additional chapters which is in the course of JEE but not included in the curriculum of CBSE. The book on one hand is very mchupto the level of JEE but on the other hand is very easy to comprehend.
Concise Inorganic Chemistry by Guha and Lee has everything to it which makes it a must buy for any JEE aspirant. Whether you are doing your final revisions, or you are doing a concept building for JEE, in both the cases this book will come extremely handy for you.