Organic & Physical Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced by India's best Chemistry faculty (Set of 2 Books)

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Topics covered in the book 1 are:

  • Classification & Nomenclature, Stereochemistry, Reactions & their mechanisms, General organic chemistry, Hydrocarbons - Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes ; Halo alkanes & Halo arenes, Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers, Aldehydes & Ketones, Carboxylic acids & their derivatives, Amines, Biomolecules, Polymers and Practical Organic Compounds.

Topics covered in the book 2 are:

  • Basic concepts of chemistry, Mole Concept, Advanced Stoichiometry, Atomic structure, Nuclear Chemistry, Chemical Bonding, Ideal Gas Equation, and Kinetic.

  • Theory of Gases, Euidiometry, Non-ideal Gases, The liquid state, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium – Physical & Chemical, Redox Reactions, Solid State, Vapour Pressure, Solution, Electro chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Surface chemistry.

  • Important topics like Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Gaseous State, Electrochemistry, Ionic Equilibrium, and Thermodynamics have further been divided into 2-4 chapters each so as to discuss them exhaustively.

Shishir Mittal Physical Chemistry books review-

The book “New Pattern Organic Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced” has been enriched with a lot of new questions on the new pattern of JEE. More focus is given on questions based on reaction mechanisms, identification of organic compounds, organic conversions, and typical problems involving application of two or more concepts. The book aims at 100% Concept Clarity for the students. In every chapter, the theory is followed by in-chapter Exercises (i.e. Test Your Understanding), some Illustrative Examples and 3 levels of Exercises which are really interesting as well as challenging.

New Pattern Physical Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced is the second book in Shishir Mittal books set. This book is an attempt to present Physical Chemistry in an innovative and an interesting manner. It contains extensive theory with well-drawn diagrams and real-life images. It has wide level of thought-provoking questions and problems in the form of Concept Building Exercises, Objective Exercises and Concept Testing Exercises.

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